Lao PDR has made considerable progress to develop its Lao National Safeguards Information System
Objective of the LNSIS
The objective of LNSIS will be to establish a national mechanism for safeguards management.
The scope of the Lao National Safeguards Information System (LNSIS) will be national and cover all the forest areas of Lao PDR. The LNSIS will be responsible for reviewing policies, laws, regulations and measures relevant to safeguards, maintain data and information, undertake capacity building and documentation. In addition, the LNSIS will prepare reports that will provide information on how safeguards are being addressed and respected as per COP Decision 1/COP.16.
The development of the LNSIS has been undertaken through a consultative, multi-stakeholder design process. The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry is responsible for the administration of the LNSIS.